- Written by Rodney McCloud
At this moment we are going to cancel all remaining events for the rest of the year. We are working on a new site and will update you as soon as we know something. Until then go visit Dixie or Gulf Coast. They are going strong.
- Written by Rodney McCloud
The scheduled September event has been cancelled. We are working with the Army on a new site, but we don't have anything concrete yet. MSR registration has also been suspended. Thanks for checking and share.
- Written by Rodney McCloud
I'm sad to report I received news this morning we are disallowed indefinitely from using Aviation Flight Facilities for our events. We are working on another site, but that won't be resolved in time for the event this weekend. Sorry.
- Written by Rodney McCloud
We have been given access to half the concrete pad. The course will change and parking will be in the grass as we don't have access to the runways. The event will proceed. Sorry for all the confusion.
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