- Written by Webmaster
Twenty-two competitors made their way to Hunt this month with hopes of fast times and good fun. Nate delivered once again with a challenging course for those willing to take it on. May definitely welcomed some warmer temperatures, reminding us that indeed, “the heat is on!"
SMF 142
- Written by Webmaster
In the FIRST PERENNIAL Dixiegrass event, the infamous Wiregrass van storage guy, Nathan Gordan, takes home top PAX, followed by Dixie Wheelman Mark Canekeratne, and Wiregrass legend Wes Hughson. In overall times, I (Jesse Waymire) took FTD by 1.2 seconds over Mark, with Nate running the 3rd fastest time. Rain made this an unusual event for us as we tried to wait it out, with it finally stopping in time for a late driver's meeting/tech/course marking/parade laps so we could have a dryish line. With the sun finally out and a late start, we got to enjoy a great course designed by Romesh Canekeratne. It featured several very large radius turns to get a feel for the balance of your car. If it was going to understeer or oversteer, you were going to find out.
Thanks for showing up and all the help and to the Dixie guys for coming up with the DixieGrass idea and help,
Jesse Waymire
- Written by Jesse Waymire
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